Our software developers

By Michael Argentini
Managing Partner, Technology and Design
Software development is literally the reason that we exist as a company. Our entire team is focused on building the best apps and providing the best service.
Each of our developers has their expertise in various technologies, and works with a small team on each project we take on. In almost every case the resources we assign to a project stay with that project to completion, and often in a long term support (LTS) role.

What we offer
In light of all the risks inherent in offshoring development, we chose to be something different. We wanted to be the skilled, creative, knowledgable partner that we would want to build our own mission critical software platforms. We took what all of us have experienced over the years and created the Blue Sequoyah Technologies Core Values to declare to clients and future Blue Sequoyans who we are and what we stand for.
That said, here is what our developers have to offer:
- Reduced risk. Our developers are local, skilled, certified, experienced, and creative. They know how to manage their workstations like servers because all of them are DevOps experts. Likewise, they know how to write software that's secure, performant, and reliable. They understand intellectual property rights and copyright too.
- Great communication. All of our developers are native English speakers that can communicate with you and your clients or other stakeholders clearly and professionally.
- Reliable availability. We are a local, on-shore resource, and as such, all of our developers are too. They're available when you need them to be, without regular substitutions.
- Recourse we've never had to offer. We are a proper United States Limited Liability Corporation, and we have the proper insurances and licenses. We've never had to use insurance, and we certainly don't plan to. But there's peace of mind in knowing that we're a real company.

We do not outsource our development to offshore contractors. Period.
So many companies in our industry use cheap offshore labor to save cost and ease the pain of growing and contracting their workforce. That’s not what we offer. Why?
- Offshoring adds risk. Many offshore resources simply aren’t very good, so their code is riddled with security holes or has intentional back doors. They may not know how to properly secure their computers, leading to the potential risk of malware getting a foothold in your app or website. Additionally, we’ve seen a lot of offshore resources use open source code without understanding it. And don’t get me started on intellectual property rights and copyright. When something is cheap there’s always a reason. And we don't think it's worth it.
- Communication is critical. Unless your offshore resource is a native English speaker, you are guaranteed to have communication and cultural conflicts. It’s already hard enough to explain your ideas and feedback to a native English speaker. How many extra billed hours will you incur as product features are recoded over and over? How many will be spent on longer and more frequent meetings, more email? What will your clients or stakeholders think about it? With Blue Sequoyah Technologies none of that is a concern.
- Availability matters. Typically offshore resources work within their own time zones. That's certainly not true for many, but it can get in the way. Sometimes your resource will change based on time of day to accommodate your availability needs. That only exacerbates the communication and risk factors described previously.
- No real recourse. If things with your offshore team do go bad, what do you think the resolution process will look like? Ultimately you won't be able to leverage the legal system. And many of these offshore outsourcing companies don't have any or adequate errors and omissions (E & O) insurance. They may offer to refund hours. But why would you want to continue to use those extra hours in a bad relationship with a company that can't do the work?
How can our developers help you?
If you share our views on reduced risk, great communication, and using creative, local software developers, visit our contact page and give us a shout. We'd love to hear about your organization, your challenges, and any upcoming project that we can help you bring to life.
Article last updated on 9/11/2019